Thursday, November 28, 2013

Grateful for Our Faith

Today I’m grateful for the faith of the Church.  I’m grateful for this narrative of salvation in which the God of all creation became human out of love for us, was born of a virgin, and taught us how to live. This very God died on the cross in an act of atonement for the sinful rebellion of humankind, and after three days rose from the dead. God abides with us through the Holy Spirit, who teaches and sanctifies us, forming us into the kind of people we were created to be. In due season, Christ will come again, and we will live with God forever in the resurrection.

I’m grateful, moreover, for my colleagues at United who take this narrative so seriously, who have given their life and work over to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and who have dedicated and rededicated themselves to the training of spiritual leaders for the renewal of the Church. I’m grateful to be part not just of a school, but a movement, a worshipping community, and a community of theological friendship. God has brought a very special group of people together at United.

It’s easy to miss these blessings in the midst of day-to-day work, but I’m grateful for you, friends, as we seek communally to be faithful to the leadings of the Holy Spirit.


  1. Us students are very grateful for you and the faculty as well. Thanks for following your true calling and helping us with our own callings.
